Baybee, don't cha know it's the weekend!

As I sit in here in my PJ's suffering from severe lack of caffeine, I look at my son and wonder if he knows it's the weekend.

He's upstairs right now, probably running laps around the living room as I sit here trying very hard to will myself towards the coffee maker and turn it on.

During the week I have to be at work at 8am so that means I have to leave the house no later than 7am, which means that baybee boy must be awake at no later than 6:30am. That gives hubby and I time to dress and feed him, so that he is a happy camper once he gets to daycare. But on weekdays my lovely 13 month old son transforms into a 13 year old. He refuses to get up! He will pull the covers over his head & roll over and try to go back to sleep. I am serious this has happened on more than one occasion. If I let him sleep in he would probably sleep for another hour or so. It's like he ran a marathon the night before and needs to sleep.

On weekends this is the complete opposite. My son wakes up at the crack of dawn up and is ready to go. All the fatigue that he has during the week just up and disappears! He's ready to tackle the day and play until he drops.

I don't understand this phenomenon. His schedule is the same. He goes to bed at the same time every night but it is like he knows when it's the weekend, and he is programmed not to let us sleep in.

Mental note - when he really is a teenager make sure to wake him up at 5am on weekends!