My department consists of my boss, his boss and myself. That’s it. No one else, no interns no secretaries nothing, just us. And half the time it’s usually just me. My boss is out of the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays and his boss is always in and out. So I spend most of my day by myself with my ipod. Because of this I tend to hang out with the chickies just over the ‘wall’. I used to work in their dept but I needed more $$$ so I made the jump over here. There are no hard feelings, any of them would have done the same thing and we’re cool. Or at least that’s what I thought.
Yesterday they had a wedding ‘shower’ for one of the people over there and they didn’t invite me. How friggin rude is that?! Whenever we have anything we call them over, we even cater for them. I know the dude who’s getting married, we’re not friends but I don’t want to see him hit by a bus either. They catered for 45 and there are only 22 of them. Why in the hell couldn’t they just stick their head over and say – M come over there’s lots of food and you’re all by yourself.
I’m not impressed! Let them come over and try to raid my candy drawer; I’ll very politely let them know that their dept should get their own!!
My adventures through books, food TV & life. My family stuff can be found here -
About Me
- Meli
- Greetings! Welcome to my life! My name is Meli and I'm 29 years old. Wifey to Milhouse, and mommy to a toddler that I call Destructo. If you want to find out some more about them, check out my other blog ( That's all I talk about over there. I am proud to say that I a super nerd. I love books and reading. I love all things book related. If I could I would spend all my time eating, reading or sleeping. Eating and food is my other love. I love to try new foods, hence my size, and I find food tv very entertaining. I could watch the Food network all day everyday, but I don't. If I did I would three thousand pounds! So I watch in moderation. This blog is dedicated to ME and all the things I love. So come along for the ride!
They love me, they really do!
Blog Archive
- How friggin’ rude!!
- Sucky, Sucky, Sucky
- I need clothes!
- A whole bunch of randomness!
- 100 Truths
- A picture says a million words
- Yummy mummy
- God, I hate sunny days!
- What do you want!?
- Follow up – Crazy A$$ Horse
- Ouchie ouch ouch!
- I’ve been married how long?!?
- Lint Trap
- Horse Trauma
- Crazy a$$ horse
- Mommy Super Powers
- Thai Basil Fried Rice
- I am not anti – social, I just don’t like you
- Spiderman, Spiderman
- Hhhmmmmm….I wonder that these are??
- The dangers of unmarked drugs…..
- Healthy boxed lunches
- Smells yummy *drool*
- TGIF??
- Brrrr….
- None of my clothes fit. I have two choices. I can either wear huge dresses that make me look 100 months pregnant or clothes that are too tight and make me look 100 months pregnant. I usually opt for the huge dresses.
- I think my brain has turned into a giant mushball and I have lost any intelligence that I once possessed. Sometimes I listen to myself and I can’t believe this is me talking. It’s not mommy brain and it’s not even blondism, it is just mush ballism.
- My boss has made it mandatory that I take a class after work. I really don’t want to take it. It is from 6om to 10pm so I miss out on an entire evening with my son. They are paying my tuition so that part is OK, but I really don’t want to go.
- Further to #3, those stupid classes fall on the same night as the one and only exercise class that I wanted to take. Now I can’t go and I am really ticked about it.
- I burned my hand pouring tea this morning. I’m fine but it still stings.
The friggin’ weather has decided to switch into fall mode in August and as a result I am freezing my butt off. I feel so bad going out and buying clothes though. I would rather go out and get some fall stuff for beybee than go out and get stuff for me. Plus there’s the whole budget thing. When I go shopping I tend to go overboard and then when its time to pay some bills I am screwed. So I made a list of things that I will need for fall and hopefully this keeps me on track.
2 pairs of pants (one black and one dark grey)
4 – 5 work appropriate t-shirts (I hate button down shirts, I have been getting away with t-shirts for a while and I am hoping to keep getting away with them)
2 – 3 light sweaters (I like layers)
1 black cardigan (but not an old lady one)
It doesn’t look like much but believe me this is going to come to at least $200! GGGGRRRRRR!!!!!
2 pairs of pants (one black and one dark grey)
4 – 5 work appropriate t-shirts (I hate button down shirts, I have been getting away with t-shirts for a while and I am hoping to keep getting away with them)
2 – 3 light sweaters (I like layers)
1 black cardigan (but not an old lady one)
It doesn’t look like much but believe me this is going to come to at least $200! GGGGRRRRRR!!!!!
I have a whole bunch of thoughts swimming around in my head right now and I just can’t seem to get them organized. As a result I have eaten half a book of veggie thins and am feeling yucky.
Here are my issues:
Beybee is still on the bottle -
According to my mother of all toddler books, beybee should be weaned off the bottle by now. But I just can’t do it. Does this mean that I am a bad mom? Am I scarring my child for life? Will he grow up and accumulate so outlandish therapy bill because he wasn’t weaned by 15 months?? I just wanna be a good mommy!!
Potty training 101 -
Beybee has started squatting when he goes poo. He walks over to the potty, opens it up and sits on it and when nothing happens he walks away. These are all signs that he is ready to be potty trained (as per the book) but it doesn’t say exactly how to potty train. Am I supposed to put him into training pants? How long is he supposed to sit on the potty for? Should I take the potty to daycare and have him use it there too? Also, what if I am misinterpreting his queues and he’s not ready? But what if I am not misinterpreting his queues and he is ready and I don’t start training him? Once again, I just wanna be a good mommy.
I’m blech!
I hate my hair and I’m fat!
Here are my issues:
Beybee is still on the bottle -
According to my mother of all toddler books, beybee should be weaned off the bottle by now. But I just can’t do it. Does this mean that I am a bad mom? Am I scarring my child for life? Will he grow up and accumulate so outlandish therapy bill because he wasn’t weaned by 15 months?? I just wanna be a good mommy!!
Potty training 101 -
Beybee has started squatting when he goes poo. He walks over to the potty, opens it up and sits on it and when nothing happens he walks away. These are all signs that he is ready to be potty trained (as per the book) but it doesn’t say exactly how to potty train. Am I supposed to put him into training pants? How long is he supposed to sit on the potty for? Should I take the potty to daycare and have him use it there too? Also, what if I am misinterpreting his queues and he’s not ready? But what if I am not misinterpreting his queues and he is ready and I don’t start training him? Once again, I just wanna be a good mommy.
I’m blech!
I hate my hair and I’m fat!
1. real name – Meli
2. like it – It’s OK, if you like being called a bumblebee princess
4. zodiac sign - Sag
5. male or female – Female
6. elementary – Caroni H.S & Parkdale P.S.
7. middle – Parkdale P.S.
8. high – West Toronto C.I. / B.S.S.
9. college – I went to uni
10. hair color – black
11. eye color – Black
12. hair length – shoulder
13. current worries – there’s how much owing on my credit card!!!
14. race – Coolie (I am NOT East Indian, I am WEST Indian)
15. are you a health freak – I have 50+ mini choclate bars in my top drawer right now, what do you think?
16. height – 5'4”
17. do you have a crush on someone – do celebrities count?
18. do you like yourself – kinda, sorta
19. piercings – I did, but I had to take it out.
20. tattoos – yup
21. righty or lefty – Righty
22. first surgery – my kidney
23. first piercings – ear
24. first friend – in Canada: Pat, In Trinidad: Sita, in life: Leese
25. first award – outstanding achievement in Grade 6
26. first sport – um, no
27. first pet – Joey
28. first vacation – Disney World in Orlando
29. first teacher – Miss Caddoo, C.H.S
30. first crush – Ravi Sookdeo in grade 4
31. orange or apple juice – apple
32. rock or rap – rap
33. SKA or screamo – huh?
34. n*sync or backstreet boys – bsb
35. britney spears or christina aguliera – x-tina
36. night or day – day
37. sun or moon – sun
38. tv or internet – neither, book
39. playstation or xbox – neither, book
40. kiss or hug – both
41. iguana or turtle – iguana
42. spider or bee – either / or
43. fall or spring - spring
44. Limewire or iTune - iTunes
46. soccer or baseball - soccer
50. drinking – tea
51. im about to – run some reports
52. listening – to Virginia
53. singing – When I grow up by PCD (in my head not out loud though)
54. typing – this thing and an email to a client
55. want kids – got one thanks
56. when – about 15 months ago
57. want to get married – done that too
58. when – about 2 years ago
59. where do you want to live – on my own island guarded by sharks
60. how many kids do you want – One’s good for now
61. any name on the mind – Marcus is gone but I still have dibs on Avinash
62. what did you want to be when you were little – a scientist that won the Nobel prize
63. what did you think you'll be doing – crazy experiments and saving the world
64. mellow future or wild – mellow
66. something you would never try – fire eating
67. when do you wanna die – when its time
68. lips or eyes – eyes
69. hugging or kissing - both
70. fatter or skinnier – makes no difference
71. tan skinned or light – either / or
72. romantic or spontaneous – both
73. dark or light hair – shaved!!!
74. good looking or bad looking – huh?
75. hook-up or relationship - relationship
76. similar to you or different – different in a similar way
78. kissed a stranger – nope
79. drank bubbles – yep
80. broken a bone – sprained not broken
81. climbed up a tree – nope
82. broken someones heart – I dunno
83. turned someone down – all the time
84. had your heart broken – yeppers, the bastard!! (I kid)
85. liked a friend as more than a friend – nope
86. yourself - yep
87. miracles – yep
88. love at first sight – yep but not the kind they show in movies
89. santa claus – of course
90. kiss on first date – yup
91. angels – uh huh, I got two
92. is there one or more people you want to be with right now – yep
93. who is it – Destructo, the overlord of all things breakable
94. like someone - yeppers
95. text message – Stinky, last night
96. received call – Leese
97. call made - Home
98. facebook message - Candy
99. missed call - Leese
100. last hungout with?- Stinky Binky and her mom
2. like it – It’s OK, if you like being called a bumblebee princess
4. zodiac sign - Sag
5. male or female – Female
6. elementary – Caroni H.S & Parkdale P.S.
7. middle – Parkdale P.S.
8. high – West Toronto C.I. / B.S.S.
9. college – I went to uni
10. hair color – black
11. eye color – Black
12. hair length – shoulder
13. current worries – there’s how much owing on my credit card!!!
14. race – Coolie (I am NOT East Indian, I am WEST Indian)
15. are you a health freak – I have 50+ mini choclate bars in my top drawer right now, what do you think?
16. height – 5'4”
17. do you have a crush on someone – do celebrities count?
18. do you like yourself – kinda, sorta
19. piercings – I did, but I had to take it out.
20. tattoos – yup
21. righty or lefty – Righty
22. first surgery – my kidney
23. first piercings – ear
24. first friend – in Canada: Pat, In Trinidad: Sita, in life: Leese
25. first award – outstanding achievement in Grade 6
26. first sport – um, no
27. first pet – Joey
28. first vacation – Disney World in Orlando
29. first teacher – Miss Caddoo, C.H.S
30. first crush – Ravi Sookdeo in grade 4
31. orange or apple juice – apple
32. rock or rap – rap
33. SKA or screamo – huh?
34. n*sync or backstreet boys – bsb
35. britney spears or christina aguliera – x-tina
36. night or day – day
37. sun or moon – sun
38. tv or internet – neither, book
39. playstation or xbox – neither, book
40. kiss or hug – both
41. iguana or turtle – iguana
42. spider or bee – either / or
43. fall or spring - spring
44. Limewire or iTune - iTunes
46. soccer or baseball - soccer
50. drinking – tea
51. im about to – run some reports
52. listening – to Virginia
53. singing – When I grow up by PCD (in my head not out loud though)
54. typing – this thing and an email to a client
55. want kids – got one thanks
56. when – about 15 months ago
57. want to get married – done that too
58. when – about 2 years ago
59. where do you want to live – on my own island guarded by sharks
60. how many kids do you want – One’s good for now
61. any name on the mind – Marcus is gone but I still have dibs on Avinash
62. what did you want to be when you were little – a scientist that won the Nobel prize
63. what did you think you'll be doing – crazy experiments and saving the world
64. mellow future or wild – mellow
66. something you would never try – fire eating
67. when do you wanna die – when its time
68. lips or eyes – eyes
69. hugging or kissing - both
70. fatter or skinnier – makes no difference
71. tan skinned or light – either / or
72. romantic or spontaneous – both
73. dark or light hair – shaved!!!
74. good looking or bad looking – huh?
75. hook-up or relationship - relationship
76. similar to you or different – different in a similar way
78. kissed a stranger – nope
79. drank bubbles – yep
80. broken a bone – sprained not broken
81. climbed up a tree – nope
82. broken someones heart – I dunno
83. turned someone down – all the time
84. had your heart broken – yeppers, the bastard!! (I kid)
85. liked a friend as more than a friend – nope
86. yourself - yep
87. miracles – yep
88. love at first sight – yep but not the kind they show in movies
89. santa claus – of course
90. kiss on first date – yup
91. angels – uh huh, I got two
92. is there one or more people you want to be with right now – yep
93. who is it – Destructo, the overlord of all things breakable
94. like someone - yeppers
95. text message – Stinky, last night
96. received call – Leese
97. call made - Home
98. facebook message - Candy
99. missed call - Leese
100. last hungout with?- Stinky Binky and her mom
Yummy Mummy (as defined on Urban Dictionary)
An attractive, healthy, and very sexy mother! Usually a young woman or sometimes a really gorgeous and hot middle aged mother. Yummy mummies usually wear trendy clothes, have great hairstyles and always look fabulous.
Beybee’s daycare has a lot of these. I am not one of them but I am definitely a frumpy mummy next to them. I prefer sweat pants to dress pants and haven’t worn high heels since before I was pregnant (beybee is 15 months old! You do the math). Heck, I’m wearing flip flops now and I am dreading Fall because I won’t be able to wear them anymore. The yummy mummies at the daycare have toned physiques and are always immaculately coiffed with the snazziest clothes & beautiful shoes.
My question is – how do they do it? The days aren’t long enough for me to get everything that I need to get done, done. My days are comprised on getting up at the break of dawn (6:30am!!! The alarm goes off at 6am but I just can’t do that), then its into warp speed to get ready for work, get beybee ready for daycare and get our butts out of the house by 7:10am to beat the morning traffic. After a 9 hour work day and a 30 minute commute (each way), its home to make dinner, give beybee a bath, play for a bit, and then bedtime. Once beybee is in bed I shower, and eat – then I clean (as best as I can) and pack up lunches for the next day and then sleep. Repeat process.
I don’t have the time or energy to get my hair and nails done. Nor do I have to time to get my flabby butt to the gym or even workout at home. So to all you yummy mummies out there – how do you it?!? Please share your secret with us frumpies.
An attractive, healthy, and very sexy mother! Usually a young woman or sometimes a really gorgeous and hot middle aged mother. Yummy mummies usually wear trendy clothes, have great hairstyles and always look fabulous.
Beybee’s daycare has a lot of these. I am not one of them but I am definitely a frumpy mummy next to them. I prefer sweat pants to dress pants and haven’t worn high heels since before I was pregnant (beybee is 15 months old! You do the math). Heck, I’m wearing flip flops now and I am dreading Fall because I won’t be able to wear them anymore. The yummy mummies at the daycare have toned physiques and are always immaculately coiffed with the snazziest clothes & beautiful shoes.
My question is – how do they do it? The days aren’t long enough for me to get everything that I need to get done, done. My days are comprised on getting up at the break of dawn (6:30am!!! The alarm goes off at 6am but I just can’t do that), then its into warp speed to get ready for work, get beybee ready for daycare and get our butts out of the house by 7:10am to beat the morning traffic. After a 9 hour work day and a 30 minute commute (each way), its home to make dinner, give beybee a bath, play for a bit, and then bedtime. Once beybee is in bed I shower, and eat – then I clean (as best as I can) and pack up lunches for the next day and then sleep. Repeat process.
I don’t have the time or energy to get my hair and nails done. Nor do I have to time to get my flabby butt to the gym or even workout at home. So to all you yummy mummies out there – how do you it?!? Please share your secret with us frumpies.
OK – no I don’t. I do however hate sunny days when I am at work and beybee is at daycare. Today would be a perfect day for Milhouse to fill up the orange dino pool and for us to be splashing around. But no, instead I am stuck in an office that thinks its an igloo and beybee is fighting with Gabby for a ball. This just so sucks, and to make things even worse it’s supposed to rain this weekend.
I don’t think that I am super smart. I know what I know and am willing to learn what I don’t. That doesn’t make me a genius or anything, anyone that has seen me trying to do something tech savvy can attest to that, but I have been in this industry for almost eight years so I do know stuff and I don’t mind helping.
In an average work week I have 2 – 3 random people come up and ask me for help with stuff. I don’t mind, shoot me an email or walk over to my desk; lemme know what you need and I will try my best to help you. Generally I welcome the break from my day to day and to be honest it makes me feel smart. So I usually don’t blow off my co-workers if they need my input. But there are those people that I would rather not help. The ones that turn their face when then you pass them in the hallway or bathroom but are suddenly your best friend when they need something.
The people that feel the need to ‘butter me up’ when they need something just ticks me off.
Don’t come up to me and ask if I’ve lost weight; I haven’t, what do you want?!
Don’t come up to me and ask if I’ve done something to my hair or bought new shoes; I haven’t, what do you want?!
Don’t come up to me and ask about my son; you don’t like kids, what do you want?!
Don’t come up to me and ask about my weekend, vacation or days off; it rained, what do you want?!
People: just spit it out. Let me know what you need. There is no need for small talk or chit chat. A simple: Meli would you be able to help me with xxx, will suffice. I don’t look for any praise after I’ve helped you please so don’t b.s. me before I help you.
In an average work week I have 2 – 3 random people come up and ask me for help with stuff. I don’t mind, shoot me an email or walk over to my desk; lemme know what you need and I will try my best to help you. Generally I welcome the break from my day to day and to be honest it makes me feel smart. So I usually don’t blow off my co-workers if they need my input. But there are those people that I would rather not help. The ones that turn their face when then you pass them in the hallway or bathroom but are suddenly your best friend when they need something.
The people that feel the need to ‘butter me up’ when they need something just ticks me off.
Don’t come up to me and ask if I’ve lost weight; I haven’t, what do you want?!
Don’t come up to me and ask if I’ve done something to my hair or bought new shoes; I haven’t, what do you want?!
Don’t come up to me and ask about my son; you don’t like kids, what do you want?!
Don’t come up to me and ask about my weekend, vacation or days off; it rained, what do you want?!
People: just spit it out. Let me know what you need. There is no need for small talk or chit chat. A simple: Meli would you be able to help me with xxx, will suffice. I don’t look for any praise after I’ve helped you please so don’t b.s. me before I help you.
Hubby, Baybee & Stinky went to the petting zoo yesterday to pay another visit to the animals but I didn't go. The horse trauma stopped me from going anywhere near the petting zoo. So I stayed at home with Auntie and worked on dinner.
When they came back they had news about the horse that snapped at me. Apparently the crazy horse was segregated from the other horses and donkeys. It seems that he has been nipping at a lot of people, not just me. So they moved him into his own pen away from everything.
Which made me wonder – what happened to this horse that made it so angry? Was it tormented constantly over the last little while or is it just a mean spirited horse? And what’s going to happen now. The petting zoo can’t keep a horse around little kids that keeps snapping, can they? What happens if someone gets bitten?
I am going to do some research and find out what happens to animals in this situation.
When they came back they had news about the horse that snapped at me. Apparently the crazy horse was segregated from the other horses and donkeys. It seems that he has been nipping at a lot of people, not just me. So they moved him into his own pen away from everything.
Which made me wonder – what happened to this horse that made it so angry? Was it tormented constantly over the last little while or is it just a mean spirited horse? And what’s going to happen now. The petting zoo can’t keep a horse around little kids that keeps snapping, can they? What happens if someone gets bitten?
I am going to do some research and find out what happens to animals in this situation.
I am hurting today. I think we need a new bed. Or maybe some new pillows or maybe I just have to find a better position to sleep in. Or maybe it could be that I am in such terrible shape that I can actually pull a muscle as I sleep. I don’t know which it is but my goodness am I achy. I got up at 5:30 a.m. and was in a ton of pain. My back, my shoulders and my neck are killing. I can’t look down or look up and to bend over to touch my toes (not that I do this on a regular basis) kills!! I have taken some Tylenol and hubby put some A535 on my back but nothing seems to be working. I am just sitting here, trying very hard not to move. Hopefully I sleep better tonight.
The hubby and I were dating for about 4 years before we got engaged, we were engaged for 1 year and in 19 days we will have been married for 2 years. I think someone needs to check the math though, because it feels like we have been married for way longer.
To me it feels like we’ve been married for like 45 years! And I don’t mean this in a bad way. It just feels like I’ve known him all my life, and according to him I almost practically just about have. That doesn’t meant that there aren’t times when I feel like whacking him in the head with a wet noodle because he forgot to clean the lint trap or lost all my clothes (see previous laundry related posts) but it feels like we’ve been together since time. I know for a fact that we are not one of those overly affectionate couples; we don’t keep track of the anniversary of our first kiss or have a ‘special’ song or anything. Goodness – to this day I am not sure when we started dating. I know it was a long time ago but I have no idea on the exact date. In fact a lot of people think that we are arguing a lot of the time but we aren’t, it’s just the way that we talk to each other. It’s not rude or demeaning or anything, we’re just loud. OK – I’m just loud, and he’s the reserved type. He doesn’t really say much, just kind of lets me go off on a tangent about whatever and will comment when he is sure I am done. I don’t think that we’re opposites, but we’re not the same, we just seem to fit together. We hug, we fight, we laugh, we know each other, and yes we have our moments where we finish each others sentences or say things the same. I don’t think that we’ve experienced some sort of metamorphosis where we’ve turned into each other because we spend so much time together. We’re just us.
I know that this anniversary won’t be filled with mushiness, and a whole bunch of lovey dovey sentiments: I’ll probably order a pizza for him and he’ll probably fold some laundry for me, nothing super fancy. But that’s just us. I think as you get older the mushy stuff isn’t as important as just spending time together. And that’s what I mean about us being married forever, we’ve been doing that since day one. I love him, he loves me and we’ve been doing this for forever, and will probably keep doing this for forever.
* I apologize if this has turned into an overly mushy post, I didn’t intend it to be. *
To me it feels like we’ve been married for like 45 years! And I don’t mean this in a bad way. It just feels like I’ve known him all my life, and according to him I almost practically just about have. That doesn’t meant that there aren’t times when I feel like whacking him in the head with a wet noodle because he forgot to clean the lint trap or lost all my clothes (see previous laundry related posts) but it feels like we’ve been together since time. I know for a fact that we are not one of those overly affectionate couples; we don’t keep track of the anniversary of our first kiss or have a ‘special’ song or anything. Goodness – to this day I am not sure when we started dating. I know it was a long time ago but I have no idea on the exact date. In fact a lot of people think that we are arguing a lot of the time but we aren’t, it’s just the way that we talk to each other. It’s not rude or demeaning or anything, we’re just loud. OK – I’m just loud, and he’s the reserved type. He doesn’t really say much, just kind of lets me go off on a tangent about whatever and will comment when he is sure I am done. I don’t think that we’re opposites, but we’re not the same, we just seem to fit together. We hug, we fight, we laugh, we know each other, and yes we have our moments where we finish each others sentences or say things the same. I don’t think that we’ve experienced some sort of metamorphosis where we’ve turned into each other because we spend so much time together. We’re just us.
I know that this anniversary won’t be filled with mushiness, and a whole bunch of lovey dovey sentiments: I’ll probably order a pizza for him and he’ll probably fold some laundry for me, nothing super fancy. But that’s just us. I think as you get older the mushy stuff isn’t as important as just spending time together. And that’s what I mean about us being married forever, we’ve been doing that since day one. I love him, he loves me and we’ve been doing this for forever, and will probably keep doing this for forever.
* I apologize if this has turned into an overly mushy post, I didn’t intend it to be. *
A couple of nights ago I decided to help hubby with the laundry. I wasn’t out of the goodness of my heart, it was because I had no clean underwear and there were clothes sitting in the washer for days. So I jumped in and re-washed the stuff in the washer, and put them into the dryer to dry. When I went to clean out the lint catcher I was very surprised. I was full. So full in fact that it was stuck on the dryer. I cleaned it out and went upstairs to discuss our linty clothes with hubby. Guess what I found out, he wasn’t cleaning the lint trap. He thought that it was something that had to be done once a month!! Dude, so all those times when I’ve yelled down the stairs to remind you to clean the lint trap, you thought I was just talking for the sake of talking. No, I was reminding of something that could be potentially very dangerous. Full lint traps can cause fires!! Geez, I don’t know when I turned into my mother but I think I may have to take over the laundry again.
I have been thinking about the horse incident quite a bit and I have come up with some conclusions.
Firstly, it’s not the horse’s fault that it tried to bite me. The horse was probably in a bad mood when it snapped at me. Either it was being tormented by some kids and/or adults prior to us getting there, which resulted in it taking its anger out on me. Or maybe my voice annoyed it. I have been told that my voice can be annoying at times, so maybe it annoyed the horse and it snapping at me was his way of shutting me up. Or maybe it was cranky and just tired of being bombarded by people. Whatever the reason, I don’t blame the horse.
This being said; I think that I am traumatized. I have no desire to go back to the petting zoo and see that horse again. I am actually a little afraid of seeing the horse again because if it gets ticked at me again, it could probably hurt me if it wanted to. So I am seriously thinking about not going to the petting zoo the next time that hubby takes the baybee. But then I feel guilty about that because I will be missing out on an excursion just because I am a big chicken. I am not sure what I am going to do.
Maybe I can just hang out with the goats or I wonder if they have horse therapy??
Firstly, it’s not the horse’s fault that it tried to bite me. The horse was probably in a bad mood when it snapped at me. Either it was being tormented by some kids and/or adults prior to us getting there, which resulted in it taking its anger out on me. Or maybe my voice annoyed it. I have been told that my voice can be annoying at times, so maybe it annoyed the horse and it snapping at me was his way of shutting me up. Or maybe it was cranky and just tired of being bombarded by people. Whatever the reason, I don’t blame the horse.
This being said; I think that I am traumatized. I have no desire to go back to the petting zoo and see that horse again. I am actually a little afraid of seeing the horse again because if it gets ticked at me again, it could probably hurt me if it wanted to. So I am seriously thinking about not going to the petting zoo the next time that hubby takes the baybee. But then I feel guilty about that because I will be missing out on an excursion just because I am a big chicken. I am not sure what I am going to do.
Maybe I can just hang out with the goats or I wonder if they have horse therapy??
On Sunday hubby, baybee and I went off to the petting zoo. There is a local one literally right down the street and since we didn’t feel like going anywhere far away, ok we were too lazy to go anywhere far away, we decided to go there. It started off as a really nice excursion until we went into the horse pen. Most of the ponies and donkeys in the pen were super sweet. They let you come right up to them and pet them. Except for one and he did not like me! He tried to bite me…..TWICE!!! I am not sure what I did to anger him but he was really mad at me. I didn’t do anything to him but he was really ticked off. He would come really close to me and bare his teeth and I swear there were some flaring nostrils too. So needless to say I grabbed the baybee and went to see the sheep.
Over the past fifteen months I have discovered that I have super powers. These powers have helped me deal with the little ball of energy that has invaded my home and decided to take apart everything and put it together as he sees fit.
Super sonic hearing
I could be in the basement with the washer and dryer going and I am still able to hear when the baybee wakes up from his nap. Mind you, baybee kicks the side of the crib and starts shouting at the top of his lungs when he wakes up but that is not the point. The point is I can still hear him three floors down.
Selective super sonic hearing
I have developed the ability to completely ignore that loud noises generated by baybee and continue to function. Baybee can be banging a pot with a metal spoon and singing his version of the wheels on the bus as loud as humanly possible, and I am able to make dinner without having my head explode.
The ability to leap tall messes in a single bound
I am not sure if my legs have gotten longer or my jumping ability has improved but I think it is a combination of the two. I can now successfully leap over mounds of toys, clothes and the occasional bed in my pursuit of the baybee.
And possibly the coolest power to date - the ability to silence a child with ‘the look’
I don’t have to say anything, I just give baybee ‘the look’ and he stops whatever it is he is doing. This doesn’t last forever but just enough for him to move onto something new. This power also works on the hubby.
Super sonic hearing
I could be in the basement with the washer and dryer going and I am still able to hear when the baybee wakes up from his nap. Mind you, baybee kicks the side of the crib and starts shouting at the top of his lungs when he wakes up but that is not the point. The point is I can still hear him three floors down.
Selective super sonic hearing
I have developed the ability to completely ignore that loud noises generated by baybee and continue to function. Baybee can be banging a pot with a metal spoon and singing his version of the wheels on the bus as loud as humanly possible, and I am able to make dinner without having my head explode.
The ability to leap tall messes in a single bound
I am not sure if my legs have gotten longer or my jumping ability has improved but I think it is a combination of the two. I can now successfully leap over mounds of toys, clothes and the occasional bed in my pursuit of the baybee.
And possibly the coolest power to date - the ability to silence a child with ‘the look’
I don’t have to say anything, I just give baybee ‘the look’ and he stops whatever it is he is doing. This doesn’t last forever but just enough for him to move onto something new. This power also works on the hubby.
I made this for dinner last night and it was very tasty. (I put the recipe on the foodie fanatic page, just in case you wanted to give it a whirl)
I made two batches one with chilies for the hubby and I and one without chilies for the baybee. He loved his rice and ate it all up. He then proceeded to harass his daddy for the rice from his plate. So being the nice daddy that he is, hubby gave baybee some of his spicy rice. And to my shock; baybee ate it all up. He did drink quite a bit of his apple juice as he ate, but he just kept coming back for more. I have a feeling that this kid is going like spicy food.
I made two batches one with chilies for the hubby and I and one without chilies for the baybee. He loved his rice and ate it all up. He then proceeded to harass his daddy for the rice from his plate. So being the nice daddy that he is, hubby gave baybee some of his spicy rice. And to my shock; baybee ate it all up. He did drink quite a bit of his apple juice as he ate, but he just kept coming back for more. I have a feeling that this kid is going like spicy food.
When it comes to social functions at work, I am generally a no show. My co-workers know that I am not going to show up to bowling night, or pizza lunches or whatever they have planned. I take my son to the holiday party and that’s about it. Hubby and my sis think it is because I am anti – social. This is not true. The reason is fairly simple and I would like to take this opportunity to explain why I don’t go to these things.
I just don’t like the people that attend these things.
I don’t think that I am better than anyone else, I don’t see myself as superior to anyone I work with. I just don’t like the people I work with. There are a select few that I think are great, and I like to hang out with outside of the office, but other than them, I don’t like my co-workers. I can’t stand fake people. Pretentiousness bothers me. And it appears that the majority of people that I work with are phony. When I am forced to attend these things, I tend to sit in a corner, eat as much free shrimp as I can and limit my conversations. It’s not that I am a bad conversationalist; it is that I have nothing to say to these people. I like my chats to be of substance and having a mind numbing discussion about the five year plan of the company does not appeal to me. I would rather not spend my free time here, there are other people I would rather hang out with and other things I would rather be doing. I make it a point not to waste anyone’s time, and humbly request that you don’t waste mine. So don’t feel bad when I don’t show up.
Now this doesn’t just apply to work, it refers to my life in general. I have very few friends and I am happy with that. The friends that I had, turned out to be fair weather friends, they were only interested in being in my life when it suited them. That doesn’t fly with me. I have too much going on in my life and I don’t need to be playing high school games. This being said I am fiercely loyal and the people that have stood by me can rely on me to stand by them.
So I am not anti – social, I am selective!
I just don’t like the people that attend these things.
I don’t think that I am better than anyone else, I don’t see myself as superior to anyone I work with. I just don’t like the people I work with. There are a select few that I think are great, and I like to hang out with outside of the office, but other than them, I don’t like my co-workers. I can’t stand fake people. Pretentiousness bothers me. And it appears that the majority of people that I work with are phony. When I am forced to attend these things, I tend to sit in a corner, eat as much free shrimp as I can and limit my conversations. It’s not that I am a bad conversationalist; it is that I have nothing to say to these people. I like my chats to be of substance and having a mind numbing discussion about the five year plan of the company does not appeal to me. I would rather not spend my free time here, there are other people I would rather hang out with and other things I would rather be doing. I make it a point not to waste anyone’s time, and humbly request that you don’t waste mine. So don’t feel bad when I don’t show up.
Now this doesn’t just apply to work, it refers to my life in general. I have very few friends and I am happy with that. The friends that I had, turned out to be fair weather friends, they were only interested in being in my life when it suited them. That doesn’t fly with me. I have too much going on in my life and I don’t need to be playing high school games. This being said I am fiercely loyal and the people that have stood by me can rely on me to stand by them.
So I am not anti – social, I am selective!
The baybee has turned into quite the little climber. He has pretty much mastered climbing up, into and out of things. He can scale his way up onto the couch or the bed using just about anything he can find including but not limited to hubby’s legs, his blue car or an empty shoe box. He has managed to propel himself butt first into the full laundry basket and dive head first out of the laundry basket (after he had emptied the contents). He has climbed into the fire place to play with the logs, thank God our fireplace is fake and just for show. I am seriously thinking about lowering his crib even more because I have visions of him scaling over the top onto the floor. If this happens, I am royally screwed.
This is just to enlighten people to some truly delightful things out there.
A garbage can
This is used to dispose of your trash. You do not throw it out of your car window, or just drop it on the street; no, you put it into a garbage can. It’s a novel concept I know, but just try it, you may be surprised.
The turn signal on your car
The indicator, the blinkie, the signal, whatever you want to call it is on your car for a reason. You turn it on when you have to let other cars know when you are going to turn and in what direction you are going to turn in. This doesn’t just apply to the cars behind you, sometimes the cars coming toward you would like to know if you are going to turn in front of them or not.
The ‘open door’ button on the elevator
Something magical happens when you push this button, it holds open the elevator door. So if you see someone coming with their hands full or pushing a stroller, push this button and hold the door open for them.
I know that it is faster to use an elevator or escalators but the stairs work just as well. You use these things called your legs to move you from the bottom of the stairwell to the top. And another thing, instead of using an elevator or escalator to go up one floor, take the stairs that way people who need to use those things can.
A garbage can
This is used to dispose of your trash. You do not throw it out of your car window, or just drop it on the street; no, you put it into a garbage can. It’s a novel concept I know, but just try it, you may be surprised.
The turn signal on your car
The indicator, the blinkie, the signal, whatever you want to call it is on your car for a reason. You turn it on when you have to let other cars know when you are going to turn and in what direction you are going to turn in. This doesn’t just apply to the cars behind you, sometimes the cars coming toward you would like to know if you are going to turn in front of them or not.
The ‘open door’ button on the elevator
Something magical happens when you push this button, it holds open the elevator door. So if you see someone coming with their hands full or pushing a stroller, push this button and hold the door open for them.
I know that it is faster to use an elevator or escalators but the stairs work just as well. You use these things called your legs to move you from the bottom of the stairwell to the top. And another thing, instead of using an elevator or escalator to go up one floor, take the stairs that way people who need to use those things can.
I am forever swiping Tylenol from my co-workers desks. OK – so I am not really stealing, I usually let them know when I am going to break into their stash. I am too lazy to bring my own, and most of them have a plentiful stash that they don’t mind sharing. Since purses have gotten smaller, the girls have their Tylenol in whatever containers they could find: ziplock baggies, old prescription bottles, even an Altoids case. But I believe them when they tell me that it is Tylenol that I am taking.
But maybe I should start to question them. I just took something that resembled a Tylenol but it is not acting like a Tylenol. I am so dizzy, the screen is moving, and my head is so heavy it won’t stay up. I am definitely loopy! I am going for a walk, hopefully I will be better when I get back. But if you don’t hear from me, it means that I have been fired for being drugged on the job!
But maybe I should start to question them. I just took something that resembled a Tylenol but it is not acting like a Tylenol. I am so dizzy, the screen is moving, and my head is so heavy it won’t stay up. I am definitely loopy! I am going for a walk, hopefully I will be better when I get back. But if you don’t hear from me, it means that I have been fired for being drugged on the job!
Stinky starts grade one in the fall, and this presents a new issue: boxed lunches. At her present daycare they provide a hot lunch daily. The kids sit with the teachers and they have lunch together.
When she starts grade one this will all change. She is going to have to take her lunch and eat with the other kids in the cafeteria. Stinky is not a boxed lunch type person. She is not keen on sandwiches so I was online looking for some healthy recipes and fun ideas for her mom to help with the lunch transition and I was very surprised at what I found.
Once again, the things that I thought were good for you aren’t. Take a look for yourself.
1. Juice drinks
We all know soda is as nutritious as sugar water, but drinks "made with real juice" aren't much better. Just 1 ounce of raspberry or peach punch, iced tea, and other sweetened fruit drinks can contain over a teaspoon of high-fructose corn syrup -- and it's about as healthy as trans fat. Among other things, the syrup seems to throw off the body's weight-regulating mechanisms. If you wouldn't feed your children pure sugar, think twice about dropping these drinks into their lunch bags. Better choices Water, low-fat milk, V8, one of the fruit-veggie juice blends (Vruit, Juice Plus), or a small container of 100% fruit juice. Real fruit juice is better than juice drinks but it's still high in sugar and calories, so watch quantities.
2. Cold cuts
Even though meat sandwiches are the most common lunchbox entrée for elementary school kids, they shouldn't be everyday fare. Bologna and other processed meats -- yes, even turkey Lunchables -- are brimming with saturated fat (9 g, nearly half the recommended daily value), sodium (1140 mg, about half the daily max), and preservatives.
3. Whole-milk, fruit-topped yogurt
Although yogurt's filled with vitamins D, B12, protein, and calcium, whole-milk yogurt has lots of fat too, much of it saturated. What's more, yogurt that's topped (or bottomed) with a jam-like fruit mix can pack almost as much sugar as a candy bar! Far smarter Choose low-fat yogurts and pack a container of berries or fresh fruit chunks for your child to dunk or stir in.
4. Fruity roll-ups
Two problems here, unfortch. First, many brands have only a smidgen of fruit and maybe some fiber. A puree of apples or pears from concentrate comprises about one third of a roll-up; the other two thirds are additives and sugar. Second, these stretchy fruit strips are so sugary and sticky that they cling to teeth long after they're gone, creating the perfect environment for cavities -- especially if your child doesn't brush after lunch (do you know one who does?). Better bet If your child loves these, buy all-natural brands and reserve them for after-school treats, followed by a brushing.
5. The obvious -- or maybe not: potato chips
No matter how much we wish it weren't true, these snacks (cheese puffs, too) are as bad as it gets. Consisting mostly of fat and sodium, they're actually worse than empty calories. But that's not the surprise. This is: Potato chips are the #1 lunchbox snack among little kids -- they're given to 55 percent of K-5 students.Savvy substitute Try a new crispy-thin snack we just taste-tested called Garden Harvest Toasted Chips. From Nabisco, they have a satisfying chip-like crunch, are made from whole grains, and have the equivalent of a half serving of veggies or fruit. So why would kids go near them? Because they don't taste, you know, healthy.
When she starts grade one this will all change. She is going to have to take her lunch and eat with the other kids in the cafeteria. Stinky is not a boxed lunch type person. She is not keen on sandwiches so I was online looking for some healthy recipes and fun ideas for her mom to help with the lunch transition and I was very surprised at what I found.
Once again, the things that I thought were good for you aren’t. Take a look for yourself.
1. Juice drinks
We all know soda is as nutritious as sugar water, but drinks "made with real juice" aren't much better. Just 1 ounce of raspberry or peach punch, iced tea, and other sweetened fruit drinks can contain over a teaspoon of high-fructose corn syrup -- and it's about as healthy as trans fat. Among other things, the syrup seems to throw off the body's weight-regulating mechanisms. If you wouldn't feed your children pure sugar, think twice about dropping these drinks into their lunch bags. Better choices Water, low-fat milk, V8, one of the fruit-veggie juice blends (Vruit, Juice Plus), or a small container of 100% fruit juice. Real fruit juice is better than juice drinks but it's still high in sugar and calories, so watch quantities.
2. Cold cuts
Even though meat sandwiches are the most common lunchbox entrée for elementary school kids, they shouldn't be everyday fare. Bologna and other processed meats -- yes, even turkey Lunchables -- are brimming with saturated fat (9 g, nearly half the recommended daily value), sodium (1140 mg, about half the daily max), and preservatives.
3. Whole-milk, fruit-topped yogurt
Although yogurt's filled with vitamins D, B12, protein, and calcium, whole-milk yogurt has lots of fat too, much of it saturated. What's more, yogurt that's topped (or bottomed) with a jam-like fruit mix can pack almost as much sugar as a candy bar! Far smarter Choose low-fat yogurts and pack a container of berries or fresh fruit chunks for your child to dunk or stir in.
4. Fruity roll-ups
Two problems here, unfortch. First, many brands have only a smidgen of fruit and maybe some fiber. A puree of apples or pears from concentrate comprises about one third of a roll-up; the other two thirds are additives and sugar. Second, these stretchy fruit strips are so sugary and sticky that they cling to teeth long after they're gone, creating the perfect environment for cavities -- especially if your child doesn't brush after lunch (do you know one who does?). Better bet If your child loves these, buy all-natural brands and reserve them for after-school treats, followed by a brushing.
5. The obvious -- or maybe not: potato chips
No matter how much we wish it weren't true, these snacks (cheese puffs, too) are as bad as it gets. Consisting mostly of fat and sodium, they're actually worse than empty calories. But that's not the surprise. This is: Potato chips are the #1 lunchbox snack among little kids -- they're given to 55 percent of K-5 students.Savvy substitute Try a new crispy-thin snack we just taste-tested called Garden Harvest Toasted Chips. From Nabisco, they have a satisfying chip-like crunch, are made from whole grains, and have the equivalent of a half serving of veggies or fruit. So why would kids go near them? Because they don't taste, you know, healthy.
Someone ordered in lunch, smells like French fries, and it smells delicious! I wasn’t very hungry before, but now I am starving and I don’t think that my salad is going to cut it. So as I sit here quietly salivating at the good stuff this chickie is eating at her desk, I got to thinking about smelly stuff that you shouldn’t be eating at your desk. Don’t get me wrong I have no issues with people eating as they work (heck I do it all the time) I do have issues with certain foods though.
Onion buns – these harmless little buns carry a big smell, especially when you warm them up. These should be enjoyed outside of your cubicle, and maybe outdoors.
Boiled eggs – In any form these are stinky. Please don’t subject me to the smell, I am not saying that they shouldn’t be enjoyed, just please enjoy them in wide open spaces.
Steamed or boiled Broccoli - These bad boys are super healthy, and doctors recommend that you eat broccoli quite frequently. But please do so near an open window.
Fish – another good for you food. Most fish is full of omega 3’s & 6’s, heck it even makes your hair shiny, but it should be eaten on the patio.
So bon appetite folks, I am off to lunch!
Onion buns – these harmless little buns carry a big smell, especially when you warm them up. These should be enjoyed outside of your cubicle, and maybe outdoors.
Boiled eggs – In any form these are stinky. Please don’t subject me to the smell, I am not saying that they shouldn’t be enjoyed, just please enjoy them in wide open spaces.
Steamed or boiled Broccoli - These bad boys are super healthy, and doctors recommend that you eat broccoli quite frequently. But please do so near an open window.
Fish – another good for you food. Most fish is full of omega 3’s & 6’s, heck it even makes your hair shiny, but it should be eaten on the patio.
So bon appetite folks, I am off to lunch!
It’s the Friday afternoon right before a long weekend, half the office is empty because people have taken the day off or are leaving early, my customers all closed at noon or aren’t doing much, and I am sitting here trying very hard to look busy. I doubt I am being successful, but neither is my boss. I can tell that he’s bored silly too, and neither of us can leave. At least he can take a three hour lunch, me on the other hand can walk over to the photocopier a bazillion times to copy a manual one page at a time. See how desperate I am…..
I am frickin’ freezing! I am sitting here in a sweater, and I have my mini heater going but it is still really cold. The temperature in the office is set to sub zero temperatures, OK maybe it’s not, but it sure feels that way! I never quite understand why they set it so low, especially when it’s not that hot outside. Today is a warm day, not hot, very pleasant – but you wouldn’t it know it from being in here. A lot of girls have blankets and one even has a pair of bed room slippers to keep her feet warm, but maintenance does not seem to get the hint. Do you think if we call come in wearing our winter coats, hats and gloves they may get it?!?!
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