Sucky, Sucky, Sucky

  1. None of my clothes fit. I have two choices. I can either wear huge dresses that make me look 100 months pregnant or clothes that are too tight and make me look 100 months pregnant. I usually opt for the huge dresses.
  2. I think my brain has turned into a giant mushball and I have lost any intelligence that I once possessed. Sometimes I listen to myself and I can’t believe this is me talking. It’s not mommy brain and it’s not even blondism, it is just mush ballism.
  3. My boss has made it mandatory that I take a class after work. I really don’t want to take it. It is from 6om to 10pm so I miss out on an entire evening with my son. They are paying my tuition so that part is OK, but I really don’t want to go.
  4. Further to #3, those stupid classes fall on the same night as the one and only exercise class that I wanted to take. Now I can’t go and I am really ticked about it.
  5. I burned my hand pouring tea this morning. I’m fine but it still stings.