Baybee vs. Roomba!!

In this corner, weighing in at 23 pounds – Baybee.
In the other corner, weighing in at 5 pounds – Roomba

As of late my son has had a strange fixation on our roomba. I am not sure if the roomba is his friend or his arch nemesis. He has been running up to the roomba, pushing the on button and then running away! I think that he may be afraid of it, but I am not sure if he are playing a game or not. I can bring the roomba up close to him and he doesn’t do anything but when it is on and working, he runs away. And it is not like he is running away and looking back to see where it is, he is running at top speed to get away from it.

I just have a feeling that one day I am going to come upstairs and find my son sitting on the roomba trying to get it to carry him around or find that he has pulled it apart.

Ah, things to look forward to...