Completely and utterly exhausted!!

It's been a crazy weekend/ beginning of the week. We flew out to NYC last Thursday a.m. and flew back on Sunday night. But this was no restful holiday. We were in town for a wedding, and had a whole lot of running to do. Baybee did good on the plane, he slept all the way there and the majority of the way back home. And while we were there he was fairly well behaved. He had his moments where he would have some meltdowns and go stir crazy but all in all he was better than I expected.

Me other the other hand, was not as well behaved. I am a good flyer generally, but I have never flown with a thirteen month old. I was wound tighter than a top, and ready to snap at just about anybody. I was frazzled from the get go and just ready to come home by the end of the weekend. I think it was all the running. I tend to be hyper - organized and disorganization is one of my pet peeves. I like schedules and sticking to them, but there wasn't much of that this weekend. I really need a restful vacay with nothing to do but just chillax, but for right now I am glad to be home.

A note on the wedding ~ it really was wonderful. The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was a ton of fun. I was honoured to be there to share in the day(s) and even though I was as cranky as I was, I would do it again in a heartbeat.