When mom’s away, the boys will play

Yesterday my son wasn’t feeling the greatest, so he got to stay home from the daycare with his daddy. They were going to have a daddy/baybee day. Now I am not a neat freak (well not anymore) by any means. I understand that life with a 13 month old is messy. There are cheerios under my couch, my bookcase is no longer in alphabetical order, and my pots & pans will never be stacked neatly again, these are all things that I accept and live with.

So when I left ‘my boys’ at home yesterday morning, the house wasn’t the neatest. I didn’t make the beds, the breakfast dishes weren’t done and there were clothes in the washer that needed to go into the dryer (I think they are still in there, come to think of it). So I wasn’t expecting a pristine house when I got home. But boy was I surprised!

When I walked in the door it looked like a tornado went through the house. There were baking dishes in the living room, the baybee was running around in his P.J.’s with a hairbrush in hand, and my hubby looked frazzled. And don’t even get me started on the condition on the toy area.

Now I am not saying that the little man, was malnourished and exhausted. His dad did a very good job with him. He was fed, had numerous diaper changes, and was overall a very happy (still slightly sicky) little boy. They did a whole bunch of activities throughout the day and even went out to a fish & chips place and picked up dinner. I wasn’t expecting the mess to be as big as it was but I guess that is what happens when mommy is away.