Just beachy!

This weekend, the baybee went on his first road trip!

Hubby, Auntie, Stinky & I loaded up the car with all the beach things that we would need and headed out. We picked up a bucket of chicken on the way there, so we didn't have to worry about food. And we had a cooler of water and juice in the trunk. The weather was awesome, no rain at all, even though it was pouring on the highway as we drove up. The kiddies had a super fun time both on the sand and in the water. It is definitely something that I want to do some more this summer.

I did have some issues though. I wish that the beach was cleaner, there were pieces of all sorts of garbage that people left behind and super sleuth baybee was able to find them all. I can understand bottle caps but really empty prescription containers. Are people that lazy that they can't walk 4 feet to garbage can, they would rather just dump out their prescriptions on the sand?

Also, I wish there was some way to deal the seagulls themselves. They were everywhere and they were quite bold. They would walk right up to you and try to snatch your food. Plus, if you leave your stuff alone they would swoop in on it as one big group and ransack your stuff to get at the food that you may have. At one point we saw them go INTO someone’s bag and pull out a bag of potato chips. This wasn’t a half open bag with the potato chips lying out exposed. It was a shopping bag that was folded over, that a group of ten birds went over to and poked and prodded at until they managed to get it open and pull out the chips. The seagulls were running the beach. I know that there isn't much that I can do about the seagulls, but if anyone knows a good way for me to keep them away please let me know.

Other than that it was a really good day!