Things to do when you don’t want to work

I am sitting here, totally bored, and I figured that since I am supposed to be getting somewhat fit, I would do some desk exercises. So I figured I would share what I am doing. Feel free to exercise with me.

The Pump and Run
Pump both arms over your head for 30 seconds like you're "raising the roof". Then, quickly tap your feet on the floor, as if running through tires, for 30 seconds. Repeat this process for four two six minutes.

Disco Fever
Stand up and hold onto the desk with one hand. While holding on, twist your waste and other to one direction and straighten out coming back, like you're doing John Travolta's dance from Saturday Night Fever. One difference -- keep your stare on the hand in motion, not at your date/camera/wall clock. Do this about ten times, and then switch to the other hand. 5 sets should do it.

Hammy Pulling
Sit back in a chair, making sure that your lower back is supported. Put both your hands under your right knee. Slowly, left your left leg up, keeping your keen bent toward the chest. Do this 5 times and then repeat, switching legs.

The Paul Bunyan
Stand up. Bring your hands together near our right shoulder, as if you were about to chop wood. Slowly "swing the axe" by straightening your elbows and moving your hands toward your left thigh. Then come up to your left shoulder, and swing the ax toward your right thigh. That's one rep. Do it ten times.

We're Not Worthy!
Sit down, if you're not already. Stick out your legs so that they're straight, at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Raise both your arms above your head, hands together, extending out so that you're as flat as can be. Bending only your back and crunching at your abs, bring your arms as forward as you can and slowly back up to the extended position. 3 sets of 15 should be good.

The George Costanza
Get under your desk -- really. Get onto your knees and hold onto the desk with both hands. Place your neck between your arms and while straightening out your back, shoulders, and waist. Then, slowly, squeeze your body downwards. Continue the motion by straightening out your body and bending backwards.

30 Second Rump Squeeze
Tighten your butt. Really. Squeeze your "cheeks" together as tightly as you can, and hold for ten seconds. Release. Repeat 10 times. Do this five times a day. The tighter you squeeze, the better results you'll get.

Chest Stretch
Interlace your fingers behind your back, palms facing in. Raise and straighten your arms, squeezing your shoulder blades together and "opening up" your chest. Fold for five to ten seconds. Repeat five to ten time

Seated Crunches
Put your feet flat on the floor, and sit up straight. Put your hands and arms, folded,, in your lap. Breathe in deep through your nose, "crunching" your upper and lower abs, pushing your lower back against the chair. Hold for a 3 count and relax, breathing out through your mouth. Do 100 -- or until your boss looks at you funny.