Holy Camoley Batman!!

First grade is scary!! My niece start grade one on Tuesday and she was all ready but I don’t think I was.

There are all these things that pop into your head, all these scary things are and how she was going to handle them. OK they are not that terribly frightening for an adult but for a six year old…

The bus:

Where is going to sit?
Who is she going to sit with?
What is going to happen when she gets off the bus?
Would she know what bus to get on when its time to leave?
Would she know what stop to get off on or would she be wondering some strange street in search of her mommy?


Who would she eat lunch with?
Would she eat her lunch?
Is she going to make friends?
How is going to handle bullies?
Are there cliques in grade 1 or does everyone just get along?


Would the older kids pick on her?
Who would she play with?
What if she doesn’t have anyone to play with?

Ai 1st grade is so scary!!

P.S. She did wonderfully

OK, I realize that I was freaking out over nothing. My niece had a great first day and *knock wood* she is liking school.
But really what did I expect, she’s a genius and a super friendly kid. I know she’ll do awesome.