Morning show - giggle, giggle, snort, snicker, ahahahahahahaha

I do believe that my co-workers think I am crazy, and I can’t say that I totally blame them. If I wasn’t me but I was observing me, I would think that I was a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket too. Have I confused you yet???

So I digress, my latest reason for my list of crazy behaviour is radio morning shows. I am not loyal to anyone radio station, and I listen to three different morning shows on my drive in. Whichever one is funniest that day is the one I listen to, which is not crazy behaviour.

The crazy behaviour is me sitting in my car in the office parking lot laughing hysterically. I tend to do this a lot because for some reason the co-hosts get funnier the closer I get to the office, and by the time I park I am laughing uncontrollably.

I know that my coworkers see me and probably think that I am not all there and those of them that have been here for a long time are probably used to it. But I need that laugh before I come in and get bombarded with their stupidity and idiotic questions.