I feel like crap!

Kingston bit Destructo and Milhouse and that is the final straw. He bit Destructo so hard that he tore a hole in his pants but he didn't break the skin. But when Milhouse tried to get Kingston away from Destructo, Kingston bit him on the hand, hard. He broke skin that time in two places.

The pooping I can take and the barking at night has pretty much stopped but I will not tolerate biting. Nipping I understand, he's a puppy and he is teething but biting a grown man so hard that it breaks the skin is not nipping.

So we've decided that it may be best to look into getting Kingston a new home. And I feel like crap about that. I really wish that I had read the puppy book before we got the puppy. I really wish that we had thought about this the whole way through before we got the puppy. Now we're in a really crappy situation.


I am so sorry Stinky for messing with your mind and getting you attached to the dog and then taking him away. I am so sorry Baby for getting you a pet when you weren't ready and for having to take away your best friend. I am so sorry Kingston for getting you used to our home and then taking away from everything that you know.

God, I feel like sh*t. :(